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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I read the book So You Want to Be President to the students on President's Day morning. We had studying Presidents using various President books from the library the whole week before we sat down as a class and read this one out loud. When we were finished the students were to complete an ACROSTIC poem (we are in our poetry unit) with the word PRESIDENT. Students were given the freedom to decide if they wanted to:
* "become the president" and create a poem about themselves as president
* choose a specific president and discuss them
* speak about presidents characteristics and traits in general
* use all information they learned about any of our present or past presidents and create the poem using that information.

Powerpoint on Acrostic Poems-
Is a poem or other form of writing in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out a word or a message
C-reative by nature.
O-riginally designed.
R-idiculously awesome.
I-nvolved with helping others.

Final Products:

The follow-up writing activity was the following:
If you were the President of the United States (or the leader of your country if outside the U.S.) what do you think you would do to change your country for the better? Who would your top advisors be? How would you deal with all the tough problems?

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